Category Archives: 600 Home Runs

CONGRATULATIONS SAMMY SOSA! And Thank You for being here, but it’s trade time.

We interrupt the examination of the continuing bi-polar disorder and genuine insanity, insincereity and grifter-antics of Tom Hicks (did you hear his comments about his “mistakes” and JuanGone on steroids – more on that tomorrow) to say:


I’ve always liked Sammy.  Sure, he was probably juicing back when Bud Selig and MLB couldn’t care less, but then so were most players (in one way or another), including the pitchers he hit 60+ dingers off of in 3 seperate seasons (he’s still the ONLY player in MLB history to do that). 

And to see him come back after a terrible stint in Baltimore followed by a year off and perform (in the new steroid-free era) at the level he’s performing is really incredible when you think about it.  Controvery and all bull aside, the man is an extremely gifted hitter and a joy to watch.  So hats off to Sammy Sosa!

But now that Hicks got what he wanted most – a full ballpark for a couple games while fans waited for Sammy to reach this milestone – let’s get serious.

It’s time to trade Sammy Sosa

I was glad the Rangers signed him because there was no real downside to doing so with contract he got.  But the upside… time to cash in while Sammy has some market value!  No idea what that value may be or who may be most interested, but someone will cough up a mid-tier prospect or two to add Sammy’s bat to the back of their lineup for the rest of a pennant chace.  And the Rangers could use all the prospects they can get right now. 

Is there a Harold Baines Jr playing somewhere?